sábado, fevereiro 11, 2012

Like a broken string

I wish
For you all the things I never could have
The history that was left behind
The world about you and I
The road
I know, is long, but I should be fine
Was what I most wanted in my life
And now I can’t abide
The time is faster
My dreams don’t come true
The Lie is the master
In all what you do
The “lucky” was trouble
Excuse to let go
The door was open
I don’t go back anymore
You ever do
The wrong things
Plays with my heart
Like a broken string
I’m tired of his stupid games
I gotta go my own way

OBS: Isso é uma música feita por mim e que eu escolhi colocar em forma de texto por não ter uma voz muito boa para cantar. E até que funcionou.

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